Thursday, January 19, 2017

Happy One Year Birthday!!!

Happy birthday to Elliot!!

Taking after his mom and embracing #longbirthdayweekend, here's the first of a few celebrations to come.  For his part, I think he is entranced with the candle and the cake (and finally eating some of those strawberries)...

One thing's for sure: I will certainly miss these kids cafes in Korea... and much more importantly, these gals, who have made new motherhood in a foreign land feel so much more like home.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Last day of the first year

Our Mr. E turns one tomorrow!  New suit arrived from Lolo earlier this week (yup, that's right, a proper suit; our son is 1 going on 70...)

Which means I have four more hours to write his 11 month update.  Reading my notes hastily written in my iPhone when we were in the US, I can't believe this was all just a few weeks ago... it already feels like so much has changed in his world since then.

But here goes!!  11 months... made special by his celebration in NY (all credit for the two mini-cakes to spell out "11" goes to Lolo, who also continues to send Elliot the most elaborate birthday cards every month on the dot).

Stats: (a bit of an overachiever)

  • Height: 2 feet 7.89 inches (99th percentile)... he is now literally up to my hips when we both stand up... 
  • Weight: 25 pounds 10.58 ounces (97th percentile)
  • Head circumference: 47 cm (83%)


  • Mama (though we have since come to realize that "Mama" refers to both me and "I want to eat" -- which I guess is basically the same thing)
  • Bapa (his word for dad... though I feel compelled to add that he did call him "Buba" one time)
  • Hi (said as he waved to the cat out on our patio)
  • Yum yum (said after eating sweet potato... that's my boy)
Number of teeth: 10 (we had first visit to the dentist this past month)

Favorite foods: just about everything for this Paleo-baby, but particularly:
  • Avocado (nothing beats him dancing once he's had some avocado, except perhaps giving us a high-five afterwards)
  • Chicken
  • Broccoli 
  • Spinach
  • Salmon
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Oranges (only later did I read you're not supposed to feed babies oranges... oops)
  • Peanut butter (woohoo! not allergic! didn't take after mom on this)
Favorite songs:
  • In NYC: "Little Drummer Boy" (he dances during the "parampapampam")
  • Back in Seoul: "Tatlong Bibe" (3 ducks) -- singing this can stop a meltdown
Best friend:
  • Without a doubt, Ate Jhona.  No one can make him laugh as much as she does (Tyler's been gaining lately, but neither of us comes close)
  • Napping and all things involving laying down (in fact, I've since learned to change his diapers with him standing up)
  • Sleeves
  • Baths
  • Waving at cats outside
  • Morning snuggles
  • Brushing his teeth (seriously)
  • Brushing our teeth (he finds this HILARIOUS)
  • "Helping" mom pick out her clothes every morning by emptying out and throwing all clothes in my dresser onto the floor
  • Downing his bottle and throwing it down, drop-the-mic style
What he laughs at:
  • Peek-a-boo (he started initiating this lately)
  • Tyler imitating his grunts
  • "Oops"
  • "Ouch"
  • Tyler's electric toothbrush
Favorite toys:
  • Balloons
  • Car from Ate Jhona
  • Singing book from Lolo
  • Pomelo fruit from Lola and Lolo's fruit bowl that he enjoyed far more than the boxes of toys bought for him
What he gets mad at:
  • When he waves to people and they don't wave back
  • OR they wave back but they lose interest after the fifth time going back and forth
New skills:
  • Clapping
  • Crawling up stairs 
  • Turning around and getting down from the bed when we say "Edge!!" (Tyler is particularly proud of this... he's been teaching him this since reading about it online... hadn't seen him incorporate it -- in fact, "Edge!" seemed to become a game where we would smile and dive down into our arms from up upon the bed).  All seemed to come together in NYC! 
  • Tokyo
  • Taipei
  • NYC
  • Manila

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Good night, Seoul

It's 7:35pm as I write this and all is quiet in the bedroom... in fact, all has been quiet for the last twenty minutes, as Tyler put Elliot to sleep.  The fact that I'm even on my computer now is amazing, since basically for the last six months, Elliot has been waking up to nurse literally about 20 times per night (micro-nurses, mind you... maybe for 5 seconds and then back to sleep... meaning I've been pretty semi-permanently awake (or semi-permanently asleep, depending on how you look at it) since July and our first trip crossing over multiple time zones.

Finally at some point in mid-December, we made the decision to start thinking about sleep training.  As we do in most things on our life: we research for a bit, and then fairly quickly decide to outsource.  And so it was with sleep training.  We found a seeming miracle woman (in NYC, where else) who essentially guarantees she'll have your baby sleeping through the night in two nights -- she spends the full 48 hours with you, 24/7.  On the flip side of this, it feels a bit mercenary: going from a snuggly family bed to his own crib in his own room, crying it out until he gets it right.  It also doesn't come cheap: $5000 to essentially sleep train for you (she says that while she offers parents the opportunity to monitor the baby-cam with her, most just put on headphones and go get much-needed sleep).

In what's quickly becoming a Tale of Two Cities, the next day, I found a sleep consultant in Seattle who works with families who want to still co-sleep, using the "gentler" sleep method of basically doing everything else to get the baby to sleep -- besides nursing, rocking, or bouncing (our holy trinity in getting Elliot to sleep for each and every nap and evening.)

We had our first call with our Seattle consultant last Saturday, and essentially literally laughed in her face when she said that Elliot should be getting 11-12 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night (remember, he was waking up EVERY HOUR!)  And kindda rolled our eyes when she suggested patting him when he got upset and wanted to nurse.

I have to hand it to Mr E, though... the first night was certainly not butterflies and rainbows, but it wasn't awful either... maybe only five minutes of intense crying, twenty minutes of light to medium crying, but really just rolling around snuggling on both of us, until he fell asleep on Tyler.  By the third night, he was already meeting the definition of "sleeping through the night" (6 hours).  The fourth night (which she warned us would likely be the worst night) was actually the best -- no crying at all -- just crawling on us until he got tired and fell asleep.  By the sixth night, he was sleeping a solid 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep, which has gone up to 11 hours now.  Un. Real.  To say we had no idea it would be this easy is the biggest understatement.  In fact, I've started to really look forward to the 30 minutes in bed with E before he falls asleep -- basically one big snuggle and tumbling-fest accompanied by the Sleep Sheep playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (ah, these magical moments).

The corollary to this is that WE have been getting exponentially more sleep than we have the last year (and for me, for the last two years... while I loved nearly everything about being pregnant, my inability to sleep was one of the big downsides).  We literally went from utter sleep deprivation to all three of us being the happiest I remember us being in normal day-to-day mode.  I don't think I've ever slept this much, well, EVER.  For the last 10 days, I've been essentially in bed from 7pm to 7am (an unintended consequence of this is that my back started hurting again; as Tyler said, "it's probably not super good to be in bed for half the day.")  Ha.

So what we've now discovered and have tested last night and tonight is one of us putting him to sleep and the other one... having a quiet "late" night (haha, to us, crawling into bed at 9pm is considered "late").  Amazing how the small things can feel so luxurious.

Of course, it would be all too easy for everything to be just about perfect now.  We're still getting there on naps (we were fooled with an insanely easy first nap after the first night of sleep training... ten minutes to sleep with no cries) -- with a pic to capture my disbelief (I love how E and the dog are basically in the same position).

We'll get there.

And so for now... good night, blogger.  Good night, computer.  Good night, smart phone.

Good night, Seoul.